Club History

  • The Kiwanis Club of Scott County was officially chartered on Thursday, August 26, 1982 at Georgetown College.
  • We were sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Georgetown and the Kiwanis Club of Paris.
  • District Governor Frank R. Snyder, Lieutenant Governor Andrew D. Terwilleger and Lieutenant Governor Elect John Gorrell  were all in attendance.
  • Charter members were: President Roger Busse, Vice-President Andy Griffith, Secretary-Treasurer Tom Shuff and board members Marc Baker, Paul Coleman, Bill Feltner, Chester Greynolds and Jerry Gilbreath.
  • Other charter members included Jim Bramel, Fred Culbertson, Bob Farley, Ed Hall, Norris Manning, Critt Murphy, Sam Pollack, Bob Pruitt, Harry Dickerson, Ron Cooper, Joe Connerley, Louis Hempel, Richard Mann, Phillip Pratt, Ronald Sefcovic, Dale Stowe, Bill Shawver and Ron Willhite
  • Charter members who are still members today include Andy Griffith, Marc Baker and Bill Shawver
Some of the early members present during the 80's
Front row L-R: Joe Connerly, Carl Green, Charley Snodgrass, Tom Sears, and Steve Ansuini. Back Row: Ron Wilhite, Dale Stowe, Louis Hempel, Marc Baker, Bill Shawver and John Marshall.

Club Presidents by Year

1982/1983 Roger Busse
1983/1984 Andy Griffith
1984/1985 Paul Coleman*
1985/1986 Ron Cooper
1986/1987 Ron Wilhite
1987/1988 Joe Connerley
1988/1989 Byrd Estes*
1989/1990 Bill Shawver
1990/1991 John Marshall
1991/1992 Richard Lobitz
1992/1993 Bob White*
1993/1994 Bob White*
1994/1995 Luther Mason
1995/1996 Carl Green*
1996/1997 Don Dickson
1997/1998 Tom Sears*
1998/1999 Howitt Martin*
1999/2000 Clancy Trent
2000/2001 Pat DeMay
2001/2002 Pat Demay
2002/2003 Jane Trent
2003/2004 Judy Rembacki
2004/2005 Richard Lobitz
2005/2006 Anette Eades
2006/2007 Anette Eades
2007/2008 Bill Shawver
2008/2009 Jim Ford*
2009/2010 Anette Eades
2010/2011 Manuel Eades
2011/2012 Patricia DeMay
2012/2013 Patricia DeMay
2013/2014 Manuel Eades
2014/2015 Manuel Eades
2015/2016 Anette Eades
2016/2017 Anette Eades

2017/2018 SanDee Crabtree

2018/2019 Manuel Eades

2019/2020 Debbie Green

2020/2021 Marc Baker

2021/2022 Debbie Green

2022/2023 Terral Archer


Scott County Kiwanis Club
